Francophonie Week

Celebrating the joy of learning a French as a culture, Alliance Francaise d’Ahmedabad presents you a week full of activities, film screenings, get together and games to spread the joy of learning a new language, and a new culture.

21st March 2017

French Gastronomy Day
To celebrate the French Gastronomy Day, Alliance Francaise d’Ahmedabad will be screening films in the French Gallery with some biting at the French café, Rock Concepts during the intervals.
Time: 5pm Venue: French Gallery

Chuchotant aux Oreilles
Time:  9am and 11:30am
Venue: French Library

Come play the Chinese whisper game to improve on your speaking and listening skills in French.

22nd March 2017

Time: 9am, 11:30am and 5:30pm
Venue: French Library

For all the art lovers, this activity involves creating designs using French poems.

23rd March 2017

Time: 9am and 11:30am
Venue: French Library

Scrabble the dix-mots or their synonyms in the given time limit and get extra bonus points to win the game.

Rendez-vous with the Francophones
Time to be announced
Grab the opportunity to meet people from different French-speaking countries and spend the evening exploring the different diversities of the language.

24th March 2017

Purchase French Books
Visit our old collections of books and carry home your favorite ones.
Venue: French Library

AFA’s got talent

Sing, play, dance, and recite anything and everything you can, inspired from the “Dix Mots” and perform at the French Gallery. An evening full of music and art by our French students.
Time: 7 pm
Venue: French Gallery

25th March 2017

Mots croisés Time : 4pm | Venue : Library

Learn new French vocabulary through the crossword game.

26th March 2017

Friends and Cartes-postales, 12pm in the Library

Make new friends by writing them postcards.


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Date(s) - 21/03/2017 - 26/03/2017
12:00 am

French Gallery at Alliance Française d'Ahmedabad