Synopsis : In summer 1610, one of the first telescope invented by Galileo finally arrived in Prague, the capital of the Roman Empire. For ten nights Johannes Kepler, astronomer Rudolf II, can finally explore the sky using the new invention and see what no one has ever seen. The terrace where Kepler moved his observatory becomes the place where the imperial court gives appointment. Night after night, as people come to the show, look into the telescope; watch the dissection of a human eye, plotting against the emperor. At the heart of this turmoil, John Kepler, unclassifiable and tireless, traces its singular path between science and superstition, freedom and intolerance…


Starring : Denis Lavant, Airy Routier, Max Baissette de Malglaive
Date : 24th June 2015
Time : 7:00 pm
Venue : French Gallery
Genre : Historic
Subtitles : English
Runtime : 90 minutes

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Date(s) - 24/06/2015
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

French Gallery at Alliance Française d'Ahmedabad